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Home > International > Breeding and selection > Inseminated queens’ production

Inseminated queens’ production

Each year, we inseminate more and more queen bees:

  • 150 queens until 2011,
  • over 300 queens in 2013,
  • … and our objective is to increase even more our production in order to work only with inseminated queens as breeders, such as we do with the royal jelly hives.
    We inseminate the queens at 2 distinct moments,
  • at the beginning of May we inseminate between 100 to 150 queens on 2-3 days, through the precious help of Gosia Bienkowska,
  • from mid-June to the end of July, we inseminate the balance which represents 25 queens/week.

The organisation for insemination program:

Preparation before insemination :

  • We start some Kieler by introducing virgin queens 6 to 10 days before the insemination date. Each queen is provided with her identity card and her lot number,
  • we place the nuclei in a line and we identify them with a number. This number is also written on the queen’s lot,
  • the day before the insemination, we put the males in small cages that we place in the orphaned hives.

The day of the insemination:

  • In morning time, to avoid that the virgin queens fly away, we put them in small Nicot cages with attendant bees (with their identity card). Then, we let them in the feeders of the nucleus,
  • when the inseminator is ready, the inseminations require 4 or 5 virgin queens + the males’ cage.
  • Proceeding of the insemination:
    • take a sample of 8ul of sperm (8♂),
    • only 1 narcosis from the ♀ during the insemination,
    • the inseminated queen is reintroduced in the small hive with other bees,
    • We place the cage in the incubator at 35°c, the time required for all the lot to get inseminated.
  • Once the insemination group is finish, the queens reach their nuclei. The small hive is placed in the feeder with a wide access between the bees and the candy.

The next days:

  • The following day, a control is made to check if the queen has been released in the nuc.
  • Once a week, a control is made to check the queens’ laying. Also, it is important to write down the laying presumed date. Generally, all queens are in laying period 3 weeks after the insemination. For the latecomers, we insert a brood frames with a cap in order to maintain the dynamics in the colony. We never do a second narcosis.

The instrumental insemination:

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