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Altigoo est un site dédié à l’élevage des reines. Jean-François Mallein et Philippe Huau, apiculteurs - éleveurs, producteurs de reines et d’essaims.
Production of honey
Until 2010, our work was more than 90% orientated on the breeding. Since the (…)
The nucleus mating "Mini plus"
In the past, we were using some wooden MiniPlus for the production of queens (…)
Insulating material and hives’ top
The insulation of the top of the hive is a determining element in our work, (…)
Mated queens’ introduction
The queens insertion is a delicate step. The queen’s acceptance depends of (…)
Struggling against diseases
As a consequence of our good behaviour (very fast rotation of the frames and (…)
The behaviour of our strain colonies
The lineage “strains” are inseminated queens that are used in the testing (…)
The breeders colonies
We rarely use the starter (maybe we are wrong?) .Until 2010, we were using (…)
The virgin queens’ production
We commercialize annually between 500 to 1000 virgin queens.
We let some (…)